dragon_ddhThe mystery of Yin and Yang.

button_redLet's turn our attention to the beginning or should I say the mystery of Yin and Yang. It's said in 'The Dao De Ching' by Lao Tse that Yin and Yang ... a definition of reality presenting form and substance come from WU CHI or nothingness. Although nothingness defies definition, it can be found the sages say in quieting the mind. When the mind has no thought, one can come closer to WU CHI (YU CHI/BEING ... the division creates poles that make up our reality) and unite Yin and Yang. We have felt this quiet at different times in our lives. Its most noted flavor is peacefulness and yet it can also be felt as love, compassion, and wholeness. It can also occur when one is in a state of awe. Often mindful silence is an occurrence of short duration but by extending it we can be more fully aware than in other states of attention. It is in this state of quiet or mindful silence that we can receive. The cup that is empty can be filled. People meditate to achieve a quiet mind and sages have been said to have opened the door to immortality through it.
Yin is referred to in the classics as the shaded lower side of a mountain (also the Northern direction) and Yang the sun lighted upper most part (also the Southern direction). Yin is cool, water, female, earth the receptive. Yang is hot, fire, male, heaven the active. We can divide all things in the phenomenal world into these distinct qualities and, yet, all things are a mixture of the two ... constantly in motion ... seeking balance.
Mankind and everything else on the planet is rooted, crawls, stands, swims, and/or flies between Heaven and Earth and so it is said that these two qualities make-up our reality. Through the action of Tai Chi practice, we attempt to balance our energies with those of heaven and earth. If we achieve this balance we will have good health. By practicing day by day, we can advance bit by bit in strengthening sensitivity in ourselves and to the environment around us. This advance is made through expanding Chi (intrinsic energy) that is innate to all things.